
Showing posts from September 22, 2024

Somebody Tell The Old Man When The Olive Are Hatching.

  It's 7:30 and I'm back at the Lordville Estate, Perfect Manhattan in hand, ready to write a report.  Drove back down this morning after a week in Lafayette. Was surprised by the number of fishermen on the river this morning, and was even more surprised when I went out to fish at 1:00 this afternoon. Drove up the PA side and went down to the Buckingham launch site to look for bugs, (there weren't any),  lost count of the trailers at over 12. Five of which were pointed out towards the road with their boats presumably on the way to Long Eddy. There were more cars and two trailers at Stockport, and a half dozen trailers at Shehawken with cars, SUV's and pickups lined up down in the parking lot. It's the last week in September and when I left last Friday, I thought the fishing had gotten tough and people would be gone. The fishing - Found bugs and rising fish at a place on the lower WB, and hooked a fish on the very first cast, which was a nice way to start the day. Ha