
Showing posts from October 6, 2024

Things Are Looking Up And Quite A Few Of Them Are Fish.

  Worked on my camp closedown list, and pruned one limb and several branches off the peach tree nearest the road while waiting for the grass to dry, then mowed the lawn. Finished up by 12:30, too early to go fishing, so I cleaned up, ate lunch, did a crossword and a sudoku, and at 2:00 I got in the car and went fishing. The options are limited. The WB, if possible, is getting muddier every day, to call it anything but muddy is a lie. The big river at Junction Pool has two sides, brown and black. Brown is of course the WB water and the black water is the gin clear EB water. With the sun so low in the sky the clear water looks black. The Willow and the BK are so low that only Ed S. can catch fish there. The UEB release is at 700cfs, the water is in the 40's, the wading is difficult, it's a brown trout stream, (and they are about to spawn), pseudos will be hatching, and fish will probably be up eating them, but I won't be there. Why? The fish will mostly be 1.5 year old browns

Clear Water, Bugs, Rising Bows And The Possum.

  Truth be told, I'm sick of fishing in muddy water. Today I went east. The BK is so low, (77cfs), that there was no one fishing, except me. In the fall I look forward to fishing the BK which has excellent iso and pseudo hatches. Picked a long deep pool, walked up to where the riff dumps in and didn't see a single iso husk on any of the streamside rocks. Fished during prime pseudo time and never saw a pseudo or a rising fish. Unless we get some rain, I'll fish clean water elsewhere. Heading back towards Hancock, I decided to stop where I encountered the boat anchored and fishing to rising trout a week or so ago, and I'm glad I did. Today there were three boats, (there were only two last time), but today I beat them to the pool. When I walked through the cane and came out on the river bank there were bugs on the water and rising fish. Looked up river and there were boats. Got in the pool and when each of the first two boats came by I had a fish on. There weren't a lo

Who Sang "He Stopped Loving Her Today"?

  When last Friday looked like a replay of Thursday's bugless adventure, I packed it in and headed for home. I was hobbling around on a bruised foot that just might have been caused by walking up and down streamside rocks in a pair of felt bottomed neoprene booties with felts worn paper thin from the seasons fishing. Found a pair of new, (twenty year old),  wading boots on a shelf in the basement and wore them today. Bruised foot feels good, and the new felt bottoms made walking on the algae covered rocks a piece of cake. On the trip down I drove over, or by, numerous road kills. Squirrels and Porcupines never seem to cross the road safely, but each fall dead racoons and skunks seem to be the most common victims, (until the deer rut). Two dead skunks were on the road before I even got to I-81. Several members of a racoon family were scattered along route 17, as was a possum that wasn't "playing dead", and what appeared to be a yearling, (not a cub), black bear. Also s