Clear Water, Bugs, Rising Bows And The Possum.


Truth be told, I'm sick of fishing in muddy water. Today I went east. The BK is so low, (77cfs), that there was no one fishing, except me. In the fall I look forward to fishing the BK which has excellent iso and pseudo hatches. Picked a long deep pool, walked up to where the riff dumps in and didn't see a single iso husk on any of the streamside rocks. Fished during prime pseudo time and never saw a pseudo or a rising fish. Unless we get some rain, I'll fish clean water elsewhere.

Heading back towards Hancock, I decided to stop where I encountered the boat anchored and fishing to rising trout a week or so ago, and I'm glad I did. Today there were three boats, (there were only two last time), but today I beat them to the pool. When I walked through the cane and came out on the river bank there were bugs on the water and rising fish. Looked up river and there were boats. Got in the pool and when each of the first two boats came by I had a fish on. There weren't a lot of fish rising but they all thought my flies were the nuts. Hooked all six risers, and landed five with the only brown being fish of the day at 18 inches. Having run out of risers, I reeled it in and headed downstream.

 Stopped at one of the few places on the EB I haven't tried this fall, and now I wonder why. Had bugs and rising fish to throw at from 4:00 'til 6:00. It was evident early on that the fish knew the game. Put some down with poor casts, got refused a bunch of times, but managed to hook another six fish, landing three. At 6:00, with bugs still on the water someone blew a whistle and the game was over. The rising stopped and I headed for the car.

I've mentioned before, a winning day for me is ten fish. The fish have had their way with me for the past two months and I wanted two more fish to win the day. Stopped at Junction pool and saw rising fish, lots of them. Waded in and for about 45 minutes, every cast was aimed at a rise. Got two refusals and a big slice of humble pie. The fish won yet again.

Note - Was somewhat dismayed this morning when after typing an elaborate full paragraph about road kills and giving you the title of a classic country western song, all anyone could come up with was George Jones, which was, of course, the singer, but not the answer I was looking for. Checked the blog before typing today's page and my faith in you was restored. Keith got it! THE POSSUM. George Jones', (not sure where the apostrophe goes) nick name. Jeff H., not to worry, you get full credit for a correct answer and Keith gets forgiven for taking his wife to Europe during fishing season when his knowledge of Harry Chapin songs and country western music is relied upon by A-119.


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