For The Good Times.

It doesn't seem possible but it's the last day of September and therefore time for my sporadic and intermittent message. 

Have to go home tomorrow and drive Jean to her 2nd cataract operation. The first one was last week and already Jean's crowing about how well she can see out of that eye. My GHOF is retired but he was able to schedule Jean with the surgeon that he says is the best resident he ever had. Found out at the post op meeting that the surgeon is retiring at the end of the month, (September), and that Jean is one of his very last patients. During the course of the cataract thing, it occurred to me that my GHOF is way younger than me, and that one of his residents is retiring. It's why I look at the obits before doing the eggs each morning, if my name isn't there, I crack the shells and scramble the eggs.

As most long time readers are aware, I both dry-fly fish and bow hunt. At 81, I'm not embarrassed to say that 30 yards is my maximum shooting distance and I have to hope that the deer considers me no threat and will just stand there and wait for the arrow to arrive. 

If the weather remains warmer than "normal", I'll be spending most of my time the first three weeks of October fishing, and will post reports. If there is a cold snap, or more importantly, if a big buck shows up taunting me on my trail cams, all bets are off and I'll be up in a tree,(against my doctor's advice).

It's been a great season on the Delaware, already my second best EVER, (I think). I've enjoyed writing the reports, hopefully a few of you've learned something from them. I'm sad that another trout fishing season has flown by, I just can't have many left and I treasure every one. I'm happy that through the reports, old friends that are fishing where wind knots and refusals never happen, have been replaced by a multitude of new friends who are flyfishing, reading the reports, and either saying "crazy old fool", or actually learning something. 

The fishing today was just like the last couple of weeks, bugs 1:00 until 3:00, and rising fish that have been reminded not to suffer fools.


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