Wind knots and Tailing loops
It's Memorial Day weekend. Jean is on her way down and we will try to get a reservation at one of the nearby restaurants for dinner tonight. The sole item on the to-do list for today is to clean the camp before Jean's arrival. Not that I'm putting off that little task but it seems that there is ample time to answer the questions you have asked so far this year. Mark asked one that has been asked many times. What do BE and DR stand for? BE is the East branch from where the UEB and BK come together at JAWS down to junction pool in Hancock where the WB and BE come together. The DR is simply the Delaware River (aka the BR or Main Stem) from junction pool down to Callicoon which is pretty much the end of the blue ribbon trout fishing portion of the river. When I published "A Season on the Delaware" I provided a list of most all my abbreviations. You can get the book from Amazon for less than the cost of half a dozen flies. While the book has never ranked h...