
Showing posts from March 26, 2023

April fools!!!

 At 2:30 Monday morning Jean and I backed out of the driveway down in the Florida Keys and headed home. Why such an early start? It's the only way to avoid the stop and go traffic in the Keys and the six lane wide (in each direction) commuter nightmare around Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. We passed one truck in the 60 mile drive up the Keys and drove up an almost empty six lane highway through south Florida. First serious traffic we encountered was while passing through Jacksonville at 9:00 am. Our trip was in light to moderate traffic and we checked into a hotel in Winchester Virginia at 8:00pm after a seventeen and a half hour drive. We arrived home at 12:30 on Tuesday to find ice still on the trout pond and a blanket of snow covering most of our north facing wood lot.  With Cannonsville spilling and Pepacton on the verge of doing so, there was no hurry to get down to the fishing camp. Packed the car this morning and drove down for the grand opening. The male robin  that kn...