It sure beats painting trim.
In view of the results, I thought it might be interesting to compare yesterday's fishing with today's. Thursday, I fished a pool on the Big East, it had fish rising to ants and/or pseudos. I rose seven fish, four refused my fly, three ate and I landed one. Next stop was a pool on the big river where I saw two risers, hooked and landed them both. Third and last stop was another pool on the BR, walked a long way without seeing a fish until I found some risers in a glide above a riff. Was refused by one, hooked three and landed them all. On the way back to the car I saw another riser that I hooked and landed. During the time I spent fishing I rose 14 fish, was refused by 5, hooked 9 and landed 7. It was as nice a day of fishing as you could ask for. Friday, I started at an often fished pool on the BK, where there were fresh iso husks on the rocks and the fish were in the riff looking for and feeding on isos. They would not even look at the iso I was fish...