Wind knots and tailing loops.
With the rivers high and muddy and a cold wind blowing I decided to cross items off of the camp to-do list today rather than drive around looking for a place that I could get into the water and fish. First on the list was the annual cleanup of the upstairs bunk room where a significant portion of the world's population of lady bugs spend their winter. They have no trouble finding their way in in the fall but they never seem to be able to get back out in the spring. Filled a vacuum bag full of the little buggers. I then removed the baseboards on the porch to get it ready for the new carpet which I ordered. Made up a batch of hummingbird food and hung up the feeder (with the flowering quince, apple and peach trees all in bloom, the hummers should be here shortly). Mixed up a new batch of fly floatant and filled all seven of my little jars. Marked the new screen door for trimming, which will not be done until I bring a couple clamps down from home. Decid...