Glad I've got stock in Exxon/Mobil.
Am probably the only person in all of New York grumbling about the weather, it's simply beautiful. Fifteen degrees above normal, bright sun and the leaves are at their peak. Driving up and down the river system (which I did today) afforded me one beautiful vista after another. However, the pseudos have decided they like it right where they are and are not hatching until they get some cold snotty weather. Yesterday I had a very good pseudo hatch with rising trout for almost three hours on the UEB. Today they were nowhere to be seen. The fishermen on the UEB also vanished, saw two drifters and zero waders. Maybe it got going after I left but I saw neither bugs nor risers. Spent some time in the afternoon on the bugless BK, rose three fish, two of which ate and were landed. Then on a hot sunny afternoon I drove back to the BR which was still 150 cfs above my comfort level, in hopes of finding rising fish. Stupidity knows no bounds. Never saw a bug or a rise. It's no...