In Pursuit Of The Magic Fly.
There is no magic fly, but you are making the task of catching fish much harder if you insist on using the tried and true patterns. Why? Because they look nothing like the real flies the fish are eating. If you are casting flies at rising fish all day long and aren't getting DOZENS of refusals, the fish are telling you something. What? you ask. Fish see everything. If they recognize your fly isn't the real thing from their lie, they may do nothing more than quiver a pectoral fin. You see nothing. To get them to consistently come close enough to the fly for you to recognize a refusal, your flies have to look very much like the real thing. I've gotten push back on this subject in the past. "I catch fish on a comparadun" or "I've done really well on parachutes". Fine, stick with them if you want, but lets be honest, how many Hendricksons have you ever seen with wings attached at right angles to their body? How many March Browns have you seen dancing ...