
Showing posts from June 9, 2024

Come Fish The Longest Days Of The Year.

  Bright sunshine and low water levels, even with the windmills all facing north, is not a good thing if you are a week away from the longest day of the year. While the air temp remained in the low seventies, the sun raised the freestone temps into the no-fish zone on both the BK and the BE. Only the BR down to Lordville survived and it too will succumb to the sun's rays in the coming week. The fishing has been reduced to the WB and the UEB and the BR down to Stockport, probably for the rest of the summer. What's that mean? For sure, those that are still fishing should bathe more often, and be sure to apply deodorant, (yes it will be more crowded). But there are still almost thirty-five miles of stream, and a cold front with much needed rain could still increase that number dramatically. What to do? Use your best manners, last time I checked no one had the right to reserve their "spot", if someone beat you to it, go somewhere else. Don't ever throw at someone else

It's Nice To Be Important, But It's More Important To Be Nice.

   The combination of  yesterday's bug bonanza and the expected 70ish water temps on the EB and BK made the decision to head back up to Deposit a no brainer. Was there by 1:00 just in case, but the cloudy skies delayed both water warming and the hatch. Was surprised by how few wade fishermen were there. Had my choice of several places to fish. Stepped into the water about 2:00 and it wasn't long before I saw fish to throw at. Shortly thereafter, the sulfurs started to appear, (funny how that happens). Had a couple of of interesting experiences with boats today. Hooked a good fish and had taken it to the slow water on the bank opposite the side I was fishing, a boat came down and anchored near the bank I planned on fishing. I had fish to throw at and his client threw at the far bank just above me. The sport hooked and lost a good fish. The guide could have pulled anchor and dropped down opposite me and set up for his sport to cast again. Instead he drifted down a couple hundred

1:30 to 5:30 Was Good enough For Me.

  With clear skies, bright sun, and the temp rocketing up into the eighties, I headed for Deposit. Had a haircut appointment at Vicki's at 12:30 and rather than drive back to Lordville afterwords, I pestered Dave at the Troutfitter until about 1:30, and then set out to find a place to fish. It's been relatively quiet up there for the past two weeks, and most of the boats were further downstream.  First place I pulled over to look at the river there were sulfurs on the water and rising fish. Parked the car, put on my waders and vest and had at 'em. It was a good sulfur hatch followed by big olives (grannoms?), and then by isos. Also saw several march browns and gray foxes. The fish haven't been pressured as much in the Deposit area lately and had perhaps let their guard down a bit, I did my best to remind them to look before they eat. Headed back to the fishing camp at 5:30 to water the garden and close my eyes for a bit. Woke up at 7:30. It was my plan to head over to t

Aren't You Glad I Didn't Say "Don't Come" Yesterday.

  Before I even get started I want to give a big shout out to DENNIS 2, and I'm going to tell you why. Started the day by bringing in my olive box from the car. Pulled all of the flies out of their little slots, sorted them into three piles.The yes, no, and maybes. I then starting putting the yeses back in the box. Sorted through the maybes and found slots in the box for some of them. The nos, (some brand new, never fished), went into one of those little round Troutfitter boxes, their fate yet to be determined.  Tied a few olives to fill up the shortest lines in the box and presto, it was time to resume my attack on the peaches. The deer know what I'm doing and they must think I'm doing it for them, because as soon as the first peaches hit the ground they are right there under the tree eating them almost as fast as I'm sending them down. Have one tree finished, one about 3/4 done and one as yet untouched, (except where the deer have jumped up and pulled the  branches do

Too Many Peaches, Plenty Of Bugs, Paucity Of Rising Fish.

  Was in no hurry to do yard work this morning. It was both cool and wet. Fixed my malfunctioning garage door, finished the novel I was reading, and had lunch before climbing the step ladder to continue my assault on the over abundant peaches. The peaches are only about the size of ping pong balls but the magnitude of their numbers have bent the branches almost to their breaking point. At about 3:30, I said enough, climbed down and went fishing. Because of the cold cloudy day I thought there was a good chance that there would be olives again on the WB. At the Hale Eddy bridge there were both rising fish and an gaggle of fishermen. Drove further upstream to a place where I had elbow room. There were several fishermen both upstream and downstream from me, but I had plenty of room to fish. Right from the start there was an in progress sulfur/pseudo hatch. There were lots of pseudos and while the sulfur hatch was nothing like in years past, it was a good hatch for 2024. The only thing miss

The Fish Have Upped Their Game!

  Old Business - Before moving on to today's fishing, we have some items from last weeks Wind Knots page to clear up.  A tip of the cap to Jim Dygert who not only thought the title "Gone, Gone ---" was a song, but dug out the original by the Ripchords. After over 60 years, I hope I can be excused for forgetting some of the words. I failed to find the song on You Tube. Dennis - I'll admit it, it was a dirty trick using "You're so sweet". It was a Neil Diamond country western spoof song. Look it up and play it on You Tube, maybe you can "hook up" with Mary Lou Jane. Keith -  When you mentioned Lefty Frizzell I thought of 'Since You've Gone", and it's been a long time since I heard that one. Looked it up and the title is just "Gone", that one's worth remembering. Andy G - I don't want to get into a pissing contest, but I catch a lot of rainbows each year in the Delaware River System and there has only been one fi