Football and volleyball rule this weekend.
As luck would have it our granddaughter's NDSU team won the 5:00 o'clock match in three sets. At 6:30 I put the second coat of paint on a beam on the front of the garage, put away the paint, washed the brush and at 6:45 headed out into the Lordville riff. The riff hasn't been kind to me this year but at 6:45 there only was one choice. Surprisingly there were small olive spinners (lots of them) and a few big red ones. Saw several fish make subsurface boils. Two of them came up let me know my big red spinner and little olive spinner didn't pass muster. My iso and a white fly were ignored. Finally one fish ate a smaller rusty spinner. Landed a 17 inch older rainbow with fresh hook cuts on both corners of his mouth. Was back at the fishing camp before 7:45. Dennis - My good wife often tells me "Not everyone understands your sense of humor". I welcome your questions. You obviously have made major improvements in your fishing and hopefully the questions you ask a...