Wind Knots and Tailing Loops.
It's that time again. Andy didn't like the killing of fish just to determine their age when most of them can be aged using scales. Have put a call in to the DEC's marine biologist in part for clarification of the killing and part to get a feel for the trout population mix by year class. Have not heard back, will follow up this coming week. Chris Z. - Flymps. I'm a DFO guy. Tom - I feel your pain. Came here in the late 80's with well over 30 years of experience and got my a-- kicked. Halfway through the Hendrickson hatch every fish has been hooked, by now most have been hooked over a dozen of times. Threw at rising trout yesterday afternoon for an hour and was refused by over fifty trout. Caught one 12 inch rainbow. If you get a room at the Troutfitter you have to wait in line for your time on the redemption bench (when you get skunked). I say fishing the Delaware for a new fly fisherman is like putting a little leaguer in at short for the Yankees. You will no do...