Wind Knots And Tailing Loops
Jim N. asked two questions this past week and Dennis, (perhaps in hopes of gleaning some information that would help him make up for the fact that he doesn't tie flies and has a truly miserable selection of sulfurs), chimed in on the request trying to get info on the downriver fishing. In answer to Jim's first question about the "wonder fly", no. I've gone into explicit detail about how to improve your flies and you can't even get mayflies into your house as models. You would need to get a far more ferocious creature into the house to have a model for the wonder fly. With regards to down river fishing - Because I get bored with the "Sulfur Zone", at least once a week I fish someplace downriver in the evening. If I've had a really good afternoon of fishing, sometimes I go down river twice in a week. What have I found? I have not yet been skunked, nor have I caught more that 3 fish on any night. Saw a few bugs and rising fish and hooked three fis...