Today the fat lady sang!
It was a dark, overcast, foggy, misty kind of day, that you expect to see olives and isos on. There were olives but not isos. Tried a tailout on the big river and found fish eating something sub surface. A big brown lured me into the tailout by eating my olive and then running and jumping through 75 feet of backing before coming unstuck. The next two hours produced one refusal, three fall fish and too many ignores to count. Second (and last) stop was on the BE which has been a disappointment this year. The fish population seems to be way down and as a result the river has received less pressure than any other part of the system. Found a good olive hatch (including cornutas) and some fish feeding just under the surface. A boat went by and the oarsman said they had seen risers but couldn't get any to take. I pretty much had the same problem. My fly patch was covered with flies that didn't work. To make matters worse I lost half...