This could be the last time, it may be the last time, I don't know.
Today was just so beautiful, it made me nervous. Why? I'm down at the Lordville Estate for perhaps the last time this season and it's sunny, warm (75 degrees) and I'm going out to fish with knowledge that the bugs probably won't show. Called Jean at about 2:00 to tell her that I've decided to stay overnight and come home in the morning, unless the pseudos don't show up, in which case I'll head home tonight. Called her at 5:55 just east of Deposit to tell her that I had the contents of the fridge (including her beer and a thawed out hamburger) in the car and that my ETA was 7:15. Arrived at 7:11 to find Jean frying up some onions and peppers to put on the hamburger. Sometimes it's more important to be lucky than good. It's a sad time of year for me. Drove past the homes of several river friends who are no longer with us, walked past Nate's house on the way down to the river, his refrigerator door is wide open (hopefully turned off) and he and hi...