The First Trip Down.
After being housebound for two days with ten inches of wet heavy snow on our long, winding driveway, I had no problem packing the car with items necessary to open the camp and heading for the Lordville Estate as soon as our shoveling and the bright sunshine got rid of enough snow to get the car to the bare, but salty road. The amount of snow on the ground steadily decreased until bare ground appeared at Castle Creek, (just north of Binghamton). Heading east, the trees on the tops of the hills were covered with ice and there was a dusting of snow on north facing slopes. By the time I got to the top of Lordville Road the sun was melting the treetop ice and the car was showered with ice and water for the first mile of the decent down to Lordville. All was well at the camp. The well pump turned on, there were no leaks in the pipes, and both the hot water heater and refrigerator went back to work without any complaints. Stopped at Lowes on the way down and purchased "pet screen"...