Wind Knots And Tailing Loops
A word of thanks to everyone who commented this past week. As I've said before, it makes the reports more interesting for me, knowing how you are doing. Dennis 2 - Asked about water temps at Stockport. The island below junction pool keeps a substantial portion of the warm EB water from mixing with the cold WB water all the way down to Lake Lenore. Differences in water density probably also slow the mix. The PA side at Stockport is always cooler than the NY side. Best and simplest way to determine water temp is to carry a thermometer. Keith, sorry I missed you, it's always nice to be able to put a face with a commentor. The fish didn't cooperate but at least you got to see some of the Delaware trout in action. Telecaster??? Jim N. - I seldom fish sulfur emergers. Why? The fish feed on them in the water column and only rarely at the surface. I do much better using duns. BTW - You probably do well with your caddis because it's much easier to tie a caddis that looks like ...