
Showing posts from July 7, 2024

Wind Knots And Tailing Loops

  A word of thanks to everyone who commented this past week. As I've said before, it makes the reports more interesting for me, knowing how you are doing. Dennis 2 - Asked about water temps at Stockport. The island below junction pool keeps a substantial portion of the warm EB water from mixing with the cold WB water all the way down to Lake Lenore. Differences in water density probably also slow the mix. The PA side at Stockport is always cooler than the NY side. Best and simplest way to determine water temp is to carry a thermometer. Keith, sorry I missed you, it's always nice to be able to put a face with a commentor. The fish didn't cooperate but at least you got to see some of the Delaware trout in action. Telecaster??? Jim N. - I seldom fish sulfur emergers. Why? The fish feed on them in the water column and only rarely at the surface. I do much better using duns. BTW - You probably do well with your caddis because it's much easier to tie a caddis that looks like

Had To Get Out The Neosporin For The Tooth Cuts On My Index Finger.

  To say the Delaware  is a hard river to figure is an understatement. Yesterday was an overcast day that had fishermen thinking olives. Turned out the water was probably too warm for olives and too cold for sulfurs, in short, a dud. Today the air temp was a little cooler, (I think), with a mix of sun and clouds and the sulfurs, (both yesterdays and todays), hatched. The fish? At least where I was, went nuts, threw caution to the wind, and ate everything that came down their feeding lane, both with and without hooks. Heard from two sources that the sulfur hatch at the red barn was also very good today. If my last report on the red barn sulfurs was erroneous, blame it on Ed who has been in Hawaii for the last two weeks, (hence no reliable red barn reports). The fishing mid-day was so good, and the number of fishermen in the "Zone", (it's Friday afternoon), so high, that I decided to fish down river during the evening hours. Fished a pool in the middle section from 6:30 unt

Just An Any Old Kind A Day.

  Worked in the yard this morning and got just as wet as I did yesterday. The twin fawns that show up most days in the yard without a mom, were back again today. Yesterday mom was with them, which I was glad to see as I was beginning to think they had been orphaned. The mesh cage that Jean and I assembled all by ourselves in less than two hours using the Chinese directions, has kept the birds away from the blueberries, but six holes have appeared in the ground inside the netting. I've yet to see who has invaded or from whence they entered, but I'm reasonably sure the blue berries will soon begin to disappear. After yesterdays high temperature, strong wind, severe storm warnings, and tornado watches, today's cloudy, overcast, 77 degree day with a light breeze from the NW, was sorta ho-hum. I thought so, and the sulfurs must have thought so , 'cause most of them slept in, and didn't even show up for the mid-day hatch. The evening sulfur hatch, at least where I was, (b

And The Thunder Rolled.

  It was a day of ups and downs with tornado warnings, (still in effect), south winds up to 30mph, hot sun, water temps at Lordville again exceeding the mandated 75 degrees, an ass kicking during the mid-day sulfurs, a nice conversation with river friend Stuart, which kept me in Deposit long enough for the bugs to start hatching, and fishing so good in the evening that I didn't mind leaving the river with 45 minutes of daylight left and fish rising all around me when the thunder began to rumble.  How to begin? First, my yesterday's blog comment about fly shop owners passed the humor police, (Jean), with flying colors, Dave at the Troutfitter who has endured my humor for well over half a century, (he's older than he looks), knew I was just kidding, relax, all is good. From noon 'til three-thirty, would have been better spent anywhere but in a trout stream. Yes there was a sulfur hatch but the wind was right up there in the 8.2 to 8.7 range of difficulty and that's no

Do What Ya Do.

  One of the bridges on Lordville Road is being rebuilt, which necessitates driving up and back the PA side of the river until the bridge work is done. Forgot about the detour and was late for my hair cut appointment at Vicky's this morning. It's a little over 11 miles on PA191 and its solid double lines in the middle of the road all the way. Saw four foxes last night, a dead one this morning and but one tonight.  As I have been reporting, the sulfur hatch has been very good. The fish, where the sulfurs are hatching have almost all been hooked on sulfur duns. Someone asked what emerger I found worked best, easy answer, none. I have a box full of various emergers and have not found a single one that works worth a damn. I have no shame, if anyone wants me to try their killer emerger, drop it off at the Troutfitter in a wax sealed envelope, (shop owners are whores, they will tell everyone what the hot fly is), and I will faithfully report how it works for me. Because the trout fee

I Wanna Know Right Now, Before We Go Any Further - - -

  Are "Dennis 2" and "The Other Dennis" one or two persons? Why the DEC is having so much trouble this year keeping the water temperature under 75 at Lordville? They have run surges seven times this year, and three of them failed to keep the temperature below 75. They did much better in years past. If all country western music lovers are bass fishermen? Why? There have been three phases in my music listening life, old time rock and roll, Harry Chapin, and Country Western. We are two deep in the old time rock and roll department with Ed Smith and Jim Dygert, Keith is well versed in Harry Chapin, but no one has commented on a single country western song used in page titles since I first started the reports. We pay our employees top dollar for their work. Surely there's a buckle bunny or a rodeo roper out there somewhere who owns a fly rod and a pair of waders instead of a boat with a 250 Yamaha attached to the back end, that could fill the position. (Send all resu