The White Gloved Howdy

I started out this morning fishing a large olive.  The cornutas are
hatching and the trout love'em. My olive, however, got refused by two
different fish so I decided to change flies. While pondering what to
put on I saw a hard splashy rise from which an isonychia emerged. I
put on a White Gloved Howdy and the problem was solved.

Didn't see more than a dozen isos all day but the trout have been on a
feeding binge and with the waning bug hatches they are looking for
something to eat. Blind casting produced many rises, not every fish
ate but enough did to make it my best day in two weeks. Would have
been even better but for a one for seven stretch which included three
breakoffs from large fish.

The White Gloved Howdy, don't leave home without'em.


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