Cannonsville to be drained/lowered

During the drilling of test holes for the proposed hydro-electric
project a bore hole went into an underground  stream of water that has
apparently been flowing under the dam since it's construction.  The
DEP has long been aware of the water flow which has previously shown
up in an artesian well a short distance below the dam. The bore hole
has given the water a new release point closer to the dam.  The
artersian well flow is said to have diminished in proportion to the
water that is coming out of the bore hole.

As a safety measure the reservoir is being drawn down as fast as
possible.  This means that 1,500 cfs of water will be run until the
reservoir is empty or the problem is corrected. DEP anticipates that
the corrective work will be completed by September at the latest.
Running 1,500 cfs non stop will empty the reservoir by the end of

The release of 1,500 cfs will make wading difficult in the WB.  It
will cool the big river all the way to Callicoon as long as the cold
water lasts.  There should also be a large infusion of alewives into
the WB.  This will provide food for the trout and should create good
streamer fishing.


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