Stenos saved the day

Got out early and fished a place on the big river that I hadn't been
to yet this year. There were no bugs or risers. Hooked four rainbows
and landed two. Came back to the camp and took a nap.

Went out a little after two to take on the sulfur sippers.  They won.
Sulfurs hatch in the sun, they just don't stay on the water as long
and the fish don't get into a rhythm eating them.  Fish don't like to
feed in the bright sun and they seem to be fussier.  Got a lot of
refusals, hooked three and landed one.

It was about five and the sulfurs were on the wane when the stenos got
going.  They don't cover the water but they are big and come in
assorted flavors (lime green, cotton candy pink and a fruity orange)
and the fish love 'em. There were more than enough of them to get the
fish feeding on top. I had three hours of non stop action.

Yesterdays crowd of fishermen? A mere aberration. Parking lots were
again empty.  I saw one fisherman wading up along the shore and two
drift boats all day.

This is the best fishing of the year and (or because) no one is here.


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