Tricos, ants and seven X

The trico hatch is in full swing and pods of as many as fifty fish are
up eating them. But wait.  Before you call in sick and head for the
river know that the pods are made up mostly of nine to ten inch fish.
There are big fish eating them but they know the game and don't get
fooled often.  As a matter of fact even the yearlings are hard to

The ants?  Haven't seen any yet but they are about due. There have
been reports of sightings  and I talked with a fisherman at junction
pool last night who said he saw some earlier in the day but nothing
was eating them.

Seven X?  Fishing is a unique sport in that you can change the rules
to make it as easy or difficult as you want. One rational for fishing
seven X is that it allows you to present the fly better, it's thinner,
more flexible and therefore allows you to present the fly in a more
natural manner (less of the dreaded drag). Trust me on this one, you
can catch fish on tricos and ants using six X. However, using
(successfully) seven X to catch trout adds one more degree of
difficulty to an already challenging sport. Using seven X you can (and
will) break off a ten incher, but the day you land an eighteen incher
on the stuff, you will remember forever.


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