It's fall

What does this mean?

You have less time to fish.  I've been heading home by seven fifteeneach day this week.

If it's a dry year, (for sure this one is) you have less water to fish. The WB is high and muddy, the big east is low and fishless, the big river below Buckingham has very few fish and the upper East Branch is at around one hundred ten cfs ( take one step and your wake puts the fish down. The only water worth fishing is the big river from
junction to Buckingham and from Warners down that to is iffy.

Fished the big river below junction this evening and rose six fish. Hooked three and landed one. There were almost no bugs, risers, boats or fishermen on the water.

If you want to fish the Delaware system this fall, there are several things you should do.

1- Pray for rain.
2- Wait for a cloudy rainy day.
3-Make sure you buy a new license.


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