Should have fished more places.

Spent a fruitless couple of hours searching for a lost fly box, asking  anglers fishing the pool where I last used it and checking fly shops  to see if it might have been turned in - no luck.

By the time I finished, the best Beaverkill pools were all filled with  multiple fishermen. Drove up and down the stream using the "three rise  rule" in deciding where to fish. Found a pool with six or eight fish n going, although when I got down to the stream the only things I was  able to see on the water were one black midge and one large flying  ant.  First cast hooked a nice rainbow that tore around the pool  apparently warning all the other fish because I never got to cast at  another fish in the pool.  Had the same experience in the other two  pools I tried.  The water is so low and clear that one hooked fish  spooks the other fish and they stopped feeding.

Tuesday and Wednesday I fished pools that normally (today for example)  have numerous anglers fishing them all day long.  In those pools the  fish go right on feeding, they are just very careful about what they  eat. Left the Beaverkill and tried the big river in the last hour of  daylight. That was a mistake!

There are rising fish on the Beaverkill, but there are no pseudos or  any other may fly on the water to get their noses up. Heading home 'til the pseudos decide to make their appearance.

At least I have the next six months to replace my box of lost emergers.


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