Done too soon

"Doc Pete" Bousum ,a tireless and effective advocate for all things good on the Delaware river passed away on March 26th.

Back in the early 2000's he could be found weekend evenings, after fishing, at his cabin " The Knight Watch" where over a glass of wine (or two) he was eager to discuss the many problems facing the river as well as the means of best making improvements.

When the flood of 2006 put four feet of water in the camp he mover to higher ground. Most weekends he could be found on the front porch of his fishing house on route 191 overlooking the "Braids".

He was instrumental in unifying various factions of the fishing community.  He realized that politics played a critical role in all decisions affecting the welfare of the Delaware River. Towards that
end he encouraged working with representatives of local communities. He recognized the need to gather scientific data to support positions and he helped present the data in ways that were politically appealing to those controlling the fate of the river.

Late last summer I stopped in to say hello and spent over two hours discussing things he still wanted to accomplish. His love for the river, intelligent approach to problem solving and tireless devotion
to the cause will not be easily replaced.


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