Solitude without Loneliness - -

It was an olive kind of day - only without the olives - never saw a one. Fished two pools on the upper east.The first had no bugs and no fish up.  The second was one of the pools that on Tuesday was full of big fish gulping  Hendrickson spinners.  This time the fish that were up were sipping midges and they were nine and ten inchers.

Fished a pool on the big east, two boats went by giving me a wave and a wide birth.  One angler appeared and walked up and down the bank looking for risers but never got in the water.  Saw four fish take March Browns and they all ate my fly.  Landed three nice rainbows.

When things seemed to quiet down I left and headed to the big river. It was misty and there was a good shower. Just before the sun went behind the hill it came out and produced a beautiful rainbow.  There were March Browns on when I arrived but no risers.  Then the sulfurs started to hatch.  It was a good enough hatch to get some fish up and I hooked and landed three.  The last two fish, both eighteen inchers, one a brown and the other a rainbow, both took me into the backing and had me running downstream to keep up.

Never had to share a pool with an angler all day. Even Robert Traver would have enjoyed my day on the river.


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