Too much of a good thing!

It wasn't bug soup, it was bug stew and it was served the length of the West Branch.

Monday I arrived at three to find the water covered with Hendricksons and the big fish gulping like hogs at the troth.  This went from three 'til six.Tuesday (being no fool) I arrived at two - only to find an even heavier hatch with fish casually picking just the choicest morsels to eat.

When things slowed down I talked with Mike Carey a long time WB fisherman/friend who said "They were going yesterday when I got here at two so I came at one and the water was already covered with bugs".

How'd I do?  Not so well. Monday the big fish were up and happy feeding in a big deep water pool.  Today the same pool was covered with bugs and no fish were up.  I moved up to the riff where Mike was fishing and found fish but they wanted bugs with six moving legs and a look of terror in their eyes before the fish would even consider eating them.

Fishermen? I'd like to think yesterdays report led to the flood of anglers but I know neither of you could make it.  The WB was lined with with wade fishermen(no boats) above barking dog and both boats and waders below.

Tomorrow? I've got my sleeping bag and I'm thinking about sleeping in the car streamside so I get to throw at hungry fish when the hatch begins.


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