A different kind of a day.

After the wind and clouds of yesterday, today was a pleasant change of pace - there was a breeze (not a wind) and if there was a cloud in the sky, I missed it.

The bugs may have started early without telling me.  Got to the river about 3:15  after a nice visit with one of the Troutfitter regulars. The big sulfurs were on the water and there were quite a few splashy risers.  Hooked and lost two nice ones right away, then landed a couple twelve inchers -   and it was over.

Spent an hour or more looking off bridges at water with no fish rising in the bright sun, stopped at Tops for groceries and decided to look for some shade.  Found a pool on the upper EB with a steep hill shadowing most of the stream and sure enough there were some good fish sipping - I don't know what - along the shaded bank.  There were a very very few sulphers, caddis and spinners mixed in with floating globs of brown algae. .  The fish were apparently hungry as they worked steadily.  The only thing they let go by was my fly. Spent three hours changing flies and casting - fooled enough of them to make it a good day.

If you can pick your day come when its cloudy. If you have to come when the sun is shining - look for shadowy banks and stay 'til dark.Fish don't wear sunglasses.


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