Verizon pulls the plug on the morning fishing.

Strange day.  It started with me without internet again.  Spent the morning  trying to talk to and understand  Verizon's  "offshore" customer service people  who can't understand me and can't begin to get me reconnected.  Finally called "Mike"  Verizon's "man on the ground" for the greater Lordville metropolitan area..  Mike drove up, checked out my equipment and then got someone right here in the USA to get me back on line.  Thanks Mike!

The morning fishing time was spent dealing with  paragraph one above (and tying a few flies).

I was further delayed by good old mother nature who sent a wind driven rainstorm through the area about three.  I was glad I was still in the car and not out on the stream somewhere.  The rain came down in buckets for maybe ten minutes and then it was over.  Bright sun was shining before I got in the river.  The rivers did not get colored and for fishing purposes it was just another hot sunny day.

Went up to Deposit and  found a good number of sulfurs on the water in a pool I haven't fished since Hendricksons.  Even saw a couple of fish rising. Walked down to where I wanted to start and boat number one appeared from behind a grass island. In the two hours I fished 8 boats went by me.  All were courteous and didn't row over my fish but all stopped at every rising fish and there were at least  three boats anchored in the pool at all times.  When one of the boats rowed back up through the pool  (and the water I was fishing),  it was time to move.  There were bugs and fish but none of the fish had time to settle down and get comfortable feeding.

Drove over to the upper EB where the water is too low for boats.  There are, however, an increasing number of wade fishermen seeking refuge there.  Fished two places,  the first one has been deserted by the sulfurs and had little to offer.  The second was in the "sulfur zone" and had rising fish all over the pool, HOWEVER, they don't suffer fools and they don't eat anything attached to a leader or with a hook in it.

At seven thirty I left for the big river's 30 minute window of opportunity.  Arrived in plenty of time. but it it never really got going.  Saw five fish rise, caught three (one was a fall fish) and  it was over.  Saw less than a dozen cornutas and no other bugs.

How'd I do?  Landed a 21.5 inch brown which won "fish of the day" in a walk, several other nice fish plus a couple two year olds.  If I had duplicated yesterday mornings four fish I would have had another really good day.


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