Another major change in the West Branch release.

After cutting back the WB release to 400 yesterday, the River Master bumped it up to over 800 today. Why? With Wallenpaupak generation information not available one is left guessing. My guess is that with the cooler air temps there will probably be less demand for electricity and PPL is cutting back on its generation schedule to save water for times of greater demand. Without the additional water from the Lackawaxen the river does not meet minimum flow requirements at Montague and additional water from the WB is required.

If both my guess and the weather forecast are correct (little or no rain is forecast for the next ten days) we can look for sustained high releases from Stilesville. This will serve to cool down additional miles of the big river (probably down to Buckingham) and should provide additional fishing opportunities within the next week or so as the fish spread out.

At 800 CFS and above some areas of the WB become more difficult/dangerous to wade, use caution. The additional cold water on the WB should also result in better daytime bug hatching activity, if you have the opportunity to fish this weekend it might well be worth a try.


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