Not much has changed.

It's been a week since I promised you sporadic/intermittent reports. So here goes one. The West Branch release continues to be adjusted almost daily to meet minimum flow requirements down river. Thankfully PPL is drawing down Wallenpaupak so it can perform a dam inspection and routine maintenance. Without the additional flow from the Lackawaxen the West Branch releases would be up around 1,500.

The fishing remains very difficult. Got a report from a group of the Troutfitter's more experienced Delaware River fishermen who spent Sunday fishing the WB and main stem. They saw no risers and caught no fish.

Fish have seen so many stream that fishermen are left counting swirls rather than hookups. The fly hatches have been consistently poor and very few fish are taking on top. The main stem and presumably the East Branch are full of shad fingerlings making their way to the ocean. They offer hungry trout an ample food supply and perhaps cut down on the number of fish trying to make a meal out of tiny olives. A good rise in water levels would speed them on their way and perhaps get the fish eating flies again.

That said the fish I have caught in the big river and EB are noticeably thinner than those I have caught in the WB where there are few if any shad fingerlings???

Will be heading down today to cut the grass and throw a fly around. Will let you know what I find.


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