So maybe I changed my mind.

Well, lets be up front about it - I didn't go to the big river today.  I know I said I was going there but it turned out to be a beautiful day.  Bright sunshine with a cool and refreshing breeze are not the best weather for a fun day on the big river.  Add to that about a dozen trailers at Buckingham and I found myself less enthusiastic about fishing the big river.

I saw sulfurs on the BE on Monday and none on the BR last night.  Convinced myself that the BE was ahead of the BR, so off I went.  Fished three different places on the BE.  One in the wind, two out of the wind.  Saw very few bugs of any kind (caddis near dark).  Risers?  Saw hard boils at all three places, but never saw a fish take a dun (there weren't any).

How'd I do?  Funny you should ask.  Hooked the same number of fish, landed the same number of fish and lost the same number of fish as yesterday.

Boats and fishermen?  Today was the clear winner.  Saw one boat whose guide gave me a "thumbs up" as they rode by while I was playing a fish.  Saw a total of two anglers who were walking back to their car.

The big bug finale is about due on the freestones but  to date the bugs have been no shows.  You can find rising fish almost  anywhere on the river system.  The WB and BR to Buckingham are the most crowded.  The UEB at 200 cfs takes some getting use to.  One person per pool should be the rule (except for Long Flat and Powerline).  The lower BR and the entire BE are at present not being fished very hard and you can find a pool or riff to fish by yourself if you choose to do so.

I talked  to an angler who fished at Damascus yesterday and said the water was covered with sulfurs from noon 'til dark!  There coming!  


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