The best laid plans - - - -

A wigi board, tarot cards or even a cell phone that works in the Delaware River watershed would have been a big help for anglers trying to fish today.

With a prediction of about an inch of rain for the area, several considerations came into play.  Would the rain be widespread and uniform or hit and miss like a lot of the rain this summer? Would fog envelope both the WB and UEB?  It being Friday, where would the early arrivals and boats be?

Started out at the Lordville Riff at 1:00, never saw a bug or moved a fish.  Drove up the PA side and stopped at Buckingham which was enveloped in fog and deserted.  Stockport already had four cars (and fog).  Couldn't see the water going over the WB on the 191 bridge.  Gassed up and headed for the Beaverkill where warmer water temps would help the fog problem.  It was raining hard, moderately foggy and there were no fishermen, bugs or fish rising.

In spite of fog on the river behind the Sunoco station, I drove up the UEB.  Water was low and clear with a moderate to heavy rain falling. Fog was doable up to Shinhopple.  Kept going and ran out of the heavy rain above Corbett. Saw a few risers and decided to fish before I needed to hit a gas station again. It rained lightly but there were items floating downstream that should have been on shore.  The muddy water was soon to follow and I moved downstream. Strangely the trib above the Corbett bridge was low and clear.

Not so Trout brook at Shinhopple which was raging orange colored mud into the UEB.  Went back upstream to where I had seen some risers on yesterdays kayak trip.  River was foggy and I could  see neither parked cars nor fishermen, so down the river I walked in a riff full of olives, heading for the pool with yesterdays sippers.  Alas, when I was within 100 feet of my goal, I could see an angler in the pool, casting away in the fog.

Back in the car and heading downstream to get ahead of the Trout Brook mud.  Finally out distanced it near Harvard and got in a hour of fishing to a few risers amidst lots of bugs.  When the water started to color I was off again heading for either the WB or Big River.  When I drove over the EB at the 17 rest area I could see the water!  Got off 17 at Fish's Eddy and found a place to fish.  No bugs, no risers but two fish did eat my fly.

On my return to the camp I saw that both the WB and BR were shrouded in fog and that the WB was blown out.  Did a lot of guessing on where I could fish, actually caught at least one fish at four out of the six stops and stayed dry except for the leak in my waders.


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