If you're looking for pseudos, snow is better than warm rain!

I picked the day so I've got nobody to blame but myself.  I've been gone a week.  It's been hot for this time of year. The weatherman said it was going to rain today.  Overcast and drizzly, "O'boy",  I thought.  Bugs and rising fish!

 The water temps are in the 60's, unheard of for the second week of October.  The isos are done and no self respecting pseudo (or any other olive for that matter)  will hatch just because it's "overcast and drizzly", they want cold water.

Fished in the BE in a place where there are a good number of fish.  Saw exactly one caddis (that I caught in my hand just to have a closer look).  Saw no other bugs, duns or spinners.  Saw a grand total of three rises that weren't to my fly.  Rose a fair number of fish, got a good number of refusals and hooked seven fish.  Lost two of them one of which might have been bigger that 12 inches (none of the others were).

At about 6:15, on what was a dark overcast day, I tried the big river near the camp.  Wasn't in the water five minutes when a big red spinner came floating by me.  Put one on and made a blind  cast into water where I couldn't see the fly.  Heard, rather than saw, a rise and hooked.  When the fish stopped running there were more than 15 feet of backing off the reel.  It was a 17 inch rainbow (fish of the day by 6 inches).  Newer saw another fly, rise or fish.

Its better to be lucky than good!


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