Even well intended advice isn't always right.

As if to spite me after yesterday's posting, mother nature served up one of those cloudy, rainy, "great days to be fishing", and you know what? It was! We're down to the last three days of May and the Hendricksons and apple caddis are still on both branches in good numbers and the BK, EB and BR have yet to come out of the doldrums.

Was on the UE today about 11:00 hoping for morning spinners. It was warm (in the 60's) and I thought maybe. Well there were enough (barely) to get a few fish up which was entertainment until the apple caddis started to wake up around 1:00. The action was slow but steady until about 2:30 when the hatching heated up and the majority of the spinners appeared. For the next 45 minutes there were feeding fish everywhere and they weren't fussy about what they ate. Then the rain came. Got in the car (dozed off for a bit) and when the rain stopped pounding the roof I woke up and drove up to the next pool. It was too foggy to see risers, let alone bugs, so I just waded in. Turned out there were bugs (a few Hendricksons and caddis but mostly small stuff) and more importantly, rising fish. Took up where things left off before the rain break and ended up with a banner day.

Things came to a halt about 6:00 and I took a leisurely drive back to camp, checking out the BE and BR at various stops. Saw almost no bugs and no risers but talked with an angler who had fished the lower BE all day. He said he had enough march browns and sulfurs to get some fish feeding. Drove into the junction pool parking lot (no other cars or boats) and saw two fish rise in the ten minutes I was there. At Lordville the BR was "stained" and I saw no bugs or rising fish.

The BR, BE and BK are going to bust loose with all kinds of bugs SOON. If you are a gambler you go there. If you need a fix of rising fish go to the upper reaches of either branch. Even if it is a cloudy, rainy day.


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