I didn't go home afterall.

With both reservoirs spilling and the BK at 1200 CFS my plan was to catch up with camp chores and drive back home.

The Hendricksons and apple caddis are hatching in the upper reaches of both branches BUT the UE above Shinhopple is narrow and at present levels is impossible to wade (never gave it a thought). The WB release and spill combo was at 2000 CFS above Oquaga. At Hale Eddy, with a robust contribution from Oquaga it was at 3000.

When I left camp at 2:00 I locked the door but left the heat on. Thought I take a look above Oquaga and if there were no risers, I'd head for home. Stopped at the sewage treatment plant and there were Hendricksons, apple caddis and rising fish but no way to get into the river. Went upstream and found more rising fish, a few of which I could reach (they ate). I wasn't in the water an hour and it was over. There were still bugs but the fish had quit. WHY? The spill/release combo warmed the water up into bug hatching range early in the day so the fish were feeding long before I got there.

Took myself over to the BK and fished the tail outs of two pools. Found a mix of hatching caddis (no March Browns) and both caddis and may fly spinners. Caught fish in both pools. Quit at 8:30 and drove back to a warm camp.

Should you come this weekend? If you fish out of a boat, yes. If you wade, KNOW THIS - There are bugs and feeding fish where you don't have a prayer of reaching them. There will be some rising fish on the BK (where all the wade fishermen will be). If you just can't wait any longer, walk the banks and look for fish in close - but really - most waders should wait for MUCH LOWER WATER!!


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