A morning Big River trip.

With my wife's plane not due in until 6:40 this evening, I had plenty of time for a morning trip. With releases coming down, the big rivers days are numbered. I decided to give it a try down river before it gets too warm and the fish move out.

The results were, to me surprising. The BR has been high and unwadeable for over a week. Water temps have been cool. There have been very few boats down river since the drakes. I was anticipating great things.

The last time I fished the BR below Lordville it was a circus, with big browns and rainbows crashing flies and streaking off into the backing. This morning -not so much. Saw one good fish porpoise in front of me but he did not come to the fly. There were small olives and smaller still spinners on the water. The feeding fish were a mix of browns and rainbows between 11 and 15 inches in length. They seemed to like my small olive but turned up their noses at the smallest spinners I had.

If the water temp stays cool enough an early morning trip to the BR this time of year is about as nice a fishing experience as you will find (even without the missing monsters).


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