And the beat goes on.

Have yet to see a deer (buck or doe) from my tree stands  this season.  That made the decision easy. Rivers dropping,  warm weather in the forecast and here I am, back at camp. On the way down I saw four does, three fawns and three bucks, (one was a good one).

The weather was  overcast with an all day drizzle, temp below 50 all day,  not what they predicted but with long johns, three shirts and a raincoat I couldn't complain. The pseudos were tardy but they showed up.  The fish have moved back into the slow water but they fed. The big browns are busy doing other things but the rainbows and smaller browns were eating on top. From 2:00 'til 5:00 it was fun. 

Returned to camp in the daylight and found the local ladies and their kids out back waiting for apples. Shook the tree and  made their day. Tomorrow it's clean out the garage and mow the lawn for the last time this year. Hopefully the pseudos will wait 'til show up to hatch.


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