Fish perked up with weather change.

The rain early this morning amounted to little more than a heavy dew.  The rivers didn't come up but the air changed.  It was noticeably cooler with a very nice breeze.  Spent the morning working on my trim painting project and didn't get serious about fishing until almost seven in the evening.

Drove up to Deposit and found plenty of room to fish (had a pool to myself).  There were a few stenos hatching and the fish were looking to eat. Most casts at risers got looks.  Refusals out numbered takes by at least three to one but there were plenty of fish willing to eat my flies. There were small olives on the water late and the fish got on them.  Kept my steno on as it was easier to see in the dark.  The fish didn't seem to mind.

Don't know if the  change in the weather was the reason but tonight was the best  fishing of the week - by far.


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