And the spinner falls are yet to come.

Today was a Big River day all the way.  At the present water levels everything is wadable and there is nowhere I'd rather fish than the BR.  For peace of mind, however, I shy away from the area between junction pool and Buckingham during the "big bug season" ( Hendricksons through Green Drakes).  There are just too many boats.  There were about 20 trailers in the lot when I drove past Buckingham on the way home and three trailers hauling boats had already driven by me on 97.

So where do I fish?  Anywhere from Buckingham down to Callicoon. The choices are endless - - as long as water levels make fishing the BR feasible.  It's been at least three years since early season water levels down river have been safe for wading.  My cut off point for down river fishing is 2,000 cfs on the Callicoon USGA gage.  Today, when I fell in, it was at 1,700 (a piece of cake).

"How did that happen?", you ask.  Swept off your feet in dangerous current?  No,  I was multi-tasking.  There are very few things I'm good at and multi-tasking is not one of them.  I had just caught a fish and was wading towards the next rising fish while dipping my fly into the fly floatant bottle.  One hand held the bottle while the other hand held the fly and the bottle cap.  The rod was tucked safely under my arm, my eyes affixed on the spot where the  fish had last risen.  The next thing I knew I was wallowing around in the water trying to grab my rod without spilling the fly floatant. Stood up, called a time out, went to shore and started wringing out clothes.

The fishing  - Hope you were all here and on the BR.  The apple cadis are hatching there all day long and the fish are, as usual, feeding on the emergers on the way up (I hate caddis).  The Hendricksons started about an hour after my soaking.  The fish love Hendricksons but do not like being hooked.  The so so tasting caddis pupa are a safe bet, but every once in a while a fish just has to eat a Hendrickson (some also eat apple caddis duns on the water).  If you cast at rising fish for eight hours (six in wet clothes) you deserve to hook a few of the dumb ones and I did.


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