Kept thinking about that 10 pointer today.

Stopped on the way down at the Troutfitter in Deposit where Dave manually transferred yesterday's offering onto the Troutfitter page. He said he would look for tonight's and get it up where it belongs asap.

Set out from camp about 1:15 hoping the pseudos would find the cooler water temps to their liking and hatch during their scheduled two to five slot.  They didn't.  Drove up and down the BK and Willow without seeing a rise.  There were a few bugs on the BK but apparently the bright sun and rather stiff breeze quelled any urge the fish may have had to rise.  Did pull into several of the DEC parking areas along the Willow in an effort to learn more about a beautiful stream. Have found good numbers of fish there when there are bugs enough to get them up.

The fishing -  With the releases both still way above seasonal norms most wade fishermen have been fishing the BK and Willow.  The number of anglers on the Willow today was next to none. The BK's popular pools were still crowded.  At 3:30,  with nothing hatching or rising on the BK, I drove over to the UEB which is still running between 800 and 900 cfs.  Didn't see a boat or another angler and was about to head back to the BK when I saw two splashy rises. Parked the car and walked down to the river where there were a few pseudos and almost no fish rising. Got a couple refusals and was changing flies when the fish started to go - all of them - all at once. Had a dozen feeding fish within casting range. In a short hour, with bugs all over the water I hooked four fish and landed three. At 5:00 the referee blew the whistle and although some of the bugs didn't hear it, the fish did - they quit.  Reeled it in and headed back to the warmer water in the BK where, in a quiet pool, there were a few good trout sipping spinners. Hooked three and landed two, the best of which was an 18 inch rainbow that was easily fish of the day.

If you have a chance to build up credits towards next season, stay home and do it. With the high releases from both reservoirs, the fishing is limited. The big browns are busy spawning and most of the water where you can hook up with a big 'bow, is too high to wade.  All this can change in a heartbeat if the releases are cut back to normal fall flows but unless and until that happens catching fish is a tough slog. 


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