Wind knots and tailing loops.

Home with commitments that will keep me here until at least Friday and by then maybe the deer will be moving and I'll be up in a tree instead of being frustrated by fish scorning my pseudo offerings.

Dennis wanted to know when the fall caddis peak. Easy answer, they never do. Yes they are flying around  the near shore bushes and late in the day they can be seen migrating upstream somewhere between two feet and six feet above the water but has anyone ever seen them on the wet part of their waders (a sure sign that they are hatching) or on the water in the evening (a spinner fall)?  I haven't and I've never found the trout to be looking for them either. Checked Paul Weamer's book and he makes no mention of them which I find appropriate.

ED S. - Congrats on your big evening on the Willow, each of your five big fish easily topped anything I've ever caught there. As to the Pumpkin caddis, I've been told that it crawls up on streamside rocks to hatch and is rarely seen on the water. Have been looking this year and have seen three on the streamside rocks which is about what I see on my back porch screens each fall. Have never caught a fish on one although I have two in my caddis box and tried one the last time down.

Jim N. - After finding fault with the verbiage I used in describing the lack of limberness inherent in the average rod used on the Delaware River system, asked where to find the pseudos. They are on the water everywhere in the Delaware River System  from about 2:00 'til 5:00. Some days they start a little later and on warmish nights they go a little longer. For reasons previously stated I try to get away from the upper river and fish downstream where there has been much less fishing pressure (not that it's done me much good).

Jayson - The UEB release is now  at about 80 cfs which makes the river very difficult to fish, the riffs are very skinny at that level and the slightest disturbance will send the fish down into the depths of the pools. With the rain event last week the river is up to about 250 cfs and if you are here that is a decent level to fish it, however, the UEB is primarily a brown trout stream and they are ready to spawn. Most feeding will be done not by the spawners but by the 1.5 year old's and you will probably do far better fishing rainbow water. 


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