Unhooking the Hooker


While it certainly isn't time for another Wind Knots & Tailing Loops page, I'm still back home in Lafayette suffering from an intestinal malady which has required me to be not more than 15 feet from the loo. 

Thought I would try describing the hook removal procedure which I rely on for removing hooks from various parts of my anatomy. Depending on the hooks location a second person is always nice to have around. To remove the hook you need a loop of line. The butt section of your leader is ideal and it's sure to be near by. Loop the line and slide it under the eye of the hook and gently pull it tight against the bend in the hook shank just above where it enters your skin. Next, you get the fly upright and press the eye of the hook down against your skin. Take a deep breath and give the loop a sharp yank straight back away from the eye of the hook. There is no pain whatsoever and if your leader is still attached to your fly you are ready to cast again.

Saw the hook removal method first performed on a salmon fly lodged in the tender skin just under the  anglers nose and I was sold. Every removal I have tried has been a success on the first try EXCEPT for Mark's dad Tom who embedded a salmon fly in his wrist. The first two tries didn't hurt me a bit but were quite painful for Tom as I gave his arm two pretty good jerks. We decided the point of the hook was stuck in a tendon and that more force was needed. I can still hear the liberated salmon fly clanging off the tin shed ten feet away.

If you have doubts, give it a try on several different materials. I assume the hook would come out of most anything. I do know it doesn't come out of shirts if the barb has come out a second hole (use dykes).

A picture is truly worth a thousand words but I'm no artist. If this doesn't make sense or you are unsuccessful in your practice attempts, let me know and we'll try improving on the verbiage.    


  1. There are lots of videos on YouTube on how to remove a fishhook. This one is a demonstration by a doctor who posted it and I surmise he isn't afraid of any malpractice suits form someone silly enough to bury a hook past the barb in their own skin.
    I have been treated this way at least 4 times; twice by a guide, once by myself (it is hard to gather the courage to jerk the hook) and once I used a fishing buddy to perform the Jerk. Each time was successful and painless. I also did the old push the hook on out and cut off the barb; that works, but even the little #18 hook caused a lot of adrenaline and I broke out in a sweat as I pushed the hook on through. Like the Dr. says the jerk method is best.


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