Didn't fish today until 6:30. Attended a meeting at the DEC Office in Stamford from 10:00 until 2:00 and mowed the lawn on my return. Decided to fish another down river pool on the BR. There were three fishermen in the Lordville riff and one angler in sight several hundred yards above where I fished. 

There were enough isos in the air and on the water that I was confident the fish would give my fly a look. Saw a fair number of boils by what appeared to be good fish. Many were out of my reach. Did have good shots at about ten fish. Hooked a yearling and an adult rainbow. Both fish came unstuck in the first ten seconds. The rest of the fish I threw at never acknowledged my existence.

Ed and Dennis - If memory serves me, you have both suffered a similar fate. If you want to contact David at the Troutfitter and schedule a mutually agreeable date it would be my pleasure to join you in raising a glass to the trout who have bettered us. I'll even buy.


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