Sincere thanks to Ron and Darren, You Got Me To The Dance On Time.


Yesterday was one of those days where magic happens. You pick the right pools, have them to yourself, the bugs hatch, and the fish act like they've never seen a fly with a hook in it. On top of that I landed almost all the fish I hooked.

Today didn't start out quite as well. Was in the process of mowing the still wet yard (it was sorta dry and it was sunny and the bugs would start hatching sooner today and I wanted to get to the river) on a downhill diagonal run around one of the plum trees when the rear wheels spun and I ran smack dab into one of the poles that supports the deer fence around one of the plum the trees. I was out on the road by my car, in the process of reading the car manual to determine how to get the jack unfastened from the car and find where the jack handle was hidden, when  Ron Beck a river guide who was praised to the hilt by Jack McDonald just a couple days ago, drove by with Darren Rist another Delaware River guide. Within less than five minutes the two guides were able to push the mower far enough up the  hill (about four inches) to get the tractor wheel around the post and back mowing the lawn.

With the lawn mowed I was able to head out fishing in timely fashion. Once again I had pools to myself, there were bugs, and rising fish. Was able to hook a good number of them (not as many as yesterday) but by then I had obviously used up my days allotment of magic because I either broke off or lost nearly half of the fish I hooked.

It's true that it's better to have hooked and lost than to have never hooked at all, however, no matter what anyone says, it's better to hook  and land fish even though you are going to release them anyway+.

What's up? The fish, sorta. Those splashy rises you see are the fish eating emerging nymphs in the water column. Noses above the surface were hard to find today. 

Note to Jim N. Take out the ants 'til August and add gray foxes and Invaria!      


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