Tell Me Why, Tell Me Why - - -


Decided to skip the morning search for hatching caddis and Hendrickson spinners and rest up for the Hendrickson hatch and the caddis spinner fall. Tied a few caddis egg layers, did a crossword and a sudoku, made two sandwiches and it was time to go. 

Drove up river and there was no way you could count the trailers at the launches without a calculator. The game lands parking lots had a mere five (lower) and eleven (upper) cars, (clearly some wade fishermen are put off by the high releases), normally there would be about ten in the lower lot and at least seventeen in the upstream lot. The WB above Hale Eddy is still sparsely populated. It's always the last stretch to have Hendrickson hatches and everyone knows it, but if you want a piece of water where you don't have to worry about hooking someone on your back cast, it's the place to go.

The bugs - I'm somewhere between flummoxed (did anyone know there were two m's lurking in fluMMoxed?) and perplexed, by the bugs. There were Hendricksons way upriver almost three weeks ago (when warm surface water was spilling), and there was a heavy hatch of Hendricksons reported to have hatched at Long Eddy just a few nights ago. Have used a tank and a half of gas this week and still have no clue where "It's Happening". 

The fishing - Most times if you go to the same place every time you fish, you miss most of the good fishing. This spring, I've spent more time driving around looking, unsuccessfully, for hatches and rising fish than I ever remember. There are lots of fish and there are paraleps, Hendricksons, grannoms, and apple caddis hatching. The fish are everywhere, the question is where are the bugs? 

What to do?  By all means, come. The hatches are progressing, Hendricksons are almost done in some places and have barely cranked up in others. I believe the BE and the BR and the BK are all about to enter the dreaded doldrums. You should concentrate on the tailwaters (WB and UEB). Look for places that are not heavily fished (there are fish every where this time of year). If you are a BR guy, fish from Stockport up to Junction, BK, fish up near Roscoe, if at all. The EB?, it's done.  


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