I Lost My Magic Wand.


There was no plan to fish this morning, had to stake the tomatoes, refence the blueberry bush, and mow the lawn. While mowing, I saw that the peach tree boughs had bent over far enough for the deer to jump up and grab the limbs. I've never seen so many peaches on the trees before.They are only plum size but already their weight has put a strain on the branches. When I finished the mowing job I got out the step-ladder and started thinning out the peaches on the cling tree. It was like I was trying to thin out a grape vine. There were multiple bunches of ten to twelve peaches on every limb. When I stopped the ground was covered with peaches, tomorrow it will be covered with deer shit.

There is a doe, (there were a pair of yearlings, one obviously pregnant, one not, that I saw almost every day since I opened the camp, and I think it's the formerly pregnant one), that walks across the back yard several times a day and into my neighbor's unmowed back yard grass, (now four feet high), to nurse her fawn. 

Yesterday, in the rain, a hen turkey was walking down Lordville Road with about ten quail sized youngin's. The baby geese are still all gray fuzz, but if they were pigs, they would be ready for slaughter, (don't understand how wild animals can grow so fast). Have seen several broods of baby mergansers in the last ten days. They will soon be eating recently hatched baby trout, if they haven't started already.

It's now time for the grim news, (for me, others may be smiling smugly, or just plain laughing out loud). I got it handed to me by the trout. At 8:45 a thirteen inch hatchery trout was first in line for fish of the day honors. Fortunately my good angel got a fifteen inch 'bow to eat an olive in exchange for winning the fish of the day title. Saw very few bugs in either of my two stops on the WB, and in my one stop on the BK. There were risers on the BK, but they obviously had been fished to many times before. They  just shook their heads at the flies I threw at them. At 8:50. I tipped my fedora to the fish, reeled it in and walked back to the car.            


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