What are they taking?

Set out at about 6:00 pm today eager to pick up where I left off
Friday. I was armed with at least a dozen of the new miracle fly which
had hooked 34 of the 36 fish I caught last week. The water was up to
over 1,000 cfs and a little cloudy, there were sulfurs on the water
and no one in sight,

Hooked and landed the first two fish I threw at with the magic fly, oh
boy, what a night this is going to be. Got a refusal from the next
fish, and then hooked and landed a nice 18 inch rainbow with the sun
still shining brightly.

In the remaining three hours of fishing I landed two more fish while
being refused, or worse yet ignored, by EVERY fish in the river.

You know what flies they were eating?  Easy, the ones without  hooks.

If you come to the Delaware to fish the sulfurs, bring your "A" game


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