Never The Same Day

Wednesday I had three pools to myself, today three of us shared a pool. Wednesday with the sun on the water bugs were hatching between 2:00 and 7:00. Today it was a 3:00 to 5:00 hatch. Yesterday the spinners did not come until late, today with no sun and cooler temps they fell during the hatch. Yesterday over half of the fish I landed were over 17". Today over half were two year old's.

The big river and lower East are for the most part in the doldrums. There are rumors of March Brown sightings on the lower main stem. I have not seen any yet. 

This weekend is the FUDR "One Bug" fundraiser, 23 boats are entered (still no wade fishermen). The boats will be floating the West Branch, Big River and possibly the lower East Branch. Many of them will be on the water Friday scouting, and then again on Saturday and Sunday for the tournament.


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