Rainless Rainbows
Each day this week the air temp has gotten a little warmer - today there was even a little sun - enough to make the fish stop rising. Mid-afternoon the clouds came back and so did the fish.

Fished a couple of pools on the Beaverkill - it's at a great level and the fish are up and eating. When the sun put the fish down I departed the Beaverkill and got behind the boats on the big river. It's still a little high but can be waded in places with care.
In both rivers the fish were feeding mostly on caddis emergers but there are all kinds of mayflies hatching. Put your cast in the right place and you never know. A few fish ate my caddis (one ate a floating pupa) but most ate a small mayfly emerger. My sulfur (the hot fly yesterday) and March Brown got only "ignores".
The water is still cold and both the fish and bugs pretty well shut down around seven. With sun today it could go 'til dark.
It was a day for big rainbows - haven't gotten a twenty-incher yet this year but today I landed three over nineteen inches.

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